Monday, January 8, 2007

Resolute or Resolution?

Happy New Year! Every year at this time, people all over the U.S. take time to celebrate the passing of the old, and the excitement of the new year. There are many New Year's traditions that are celebrated, maybe some of which are special to your family. One of the more infamous traditions is the setting of New Year's Resolutions. It is at this time that we decide to quit one or more unhealthy habits, to pick up a few healthy ones, and to become better in a decided area of our lives. What inevitably happens is that we lose our motivation, forget our new found excitement, and leave behind our promises to, "really, really, do better this time." Unfortunately, this is the case with our spiritual lives as well. We go from one religious high moment to the next promising God that this time we will keep our promises to Him: that we will be better Christians, that we will take our faith seriously.
There is a big difference in being resolute, and making a resolution. In being resolute, we can refuse to move, bend, budge, or break from where God has brought us in our relationship with Him. Romans 11:20 urges us to stand firm in our faith. In other words, Paul was saying that we need not make new promises or declarations to God. After all, who is better at keeping promises, we people who can't get to the gym 3 times a week, or a God who tells us that nothing ; "not death or life, or angles, or principalities, or things present, or things to come, not powers, not height, not depth, not any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of our God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
This year, don't make any new promises, rather, rest in the one who will keep all the promises that He has made you.

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